The market opened very strong for the first sale back for 2025. Export and slaughter cattle sold to very strong rates with all descriptions selling for 20-30c dearer than the
The market opened very strong for the first sale back for 2025. Export and slaughter cattle sold to very strong rates with all descriptions selling for 20-30c dearer than the
The rain reduced the yarding today, however export and slaughter cattle sold to similar rates as last week. Re-stocker steers and heifers sold to slightly stronger rates again this week.
The market was slightly firmer over all descriptions due to recent rainfall. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ MEDIUM COWS Droughtmaster AJ & S Dennehy 284.2 $1458 HEAVY COWS Santa Karreman
A larger numbers of export cattle were yarded today with all descriptions selling to a strong panel of buyers. The grain trade saw a slight softening in price this week
The market for export cattle saw no change this week with all descriptions selling to very strong rates. Re-stockers also continued to sell to very strong rates. Description Breed Vendor
The export and slaughter market was stronger this week with most descriptions improving by 10-12 c/kg. Light feeder steers and heifers were met with very strong competition today after some
The market remained fully firm on last week’s strong rates. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ PEN OF COWS Brangus TB & CA Bourke 279.2 $1765 HEAVY COWS Santa TD &
Export cattle were dearer due to multiple processes competing. Feeders were in short supply but were firm. Re-stocker cattle were again dearer due to a new western buyer being present
The export and slaughter market remained firm on last week. There were similar trends in the re-stockers with quality cattle selling to strong rates. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ HEAVY
The export market remained similar to last week, with heavy feeder steers being slightly cheaper. Weaner steers and heifers saw improved prices this week due to an increase in quality.
The market was noticeably cheaper today for most descriptions, with export and slaughter cattle falling 10 – 15 c/kg. Feeder steers and heifers saw little to no change, while weaner
Today’s Silverdale weekly sale saw a similar size yarding to last week with prices remaining firm. Export cattle were fully firm with all buyers in attendance. Feeder steers were slightly
The market was slightly cheaper today for most descriptions. However quality cattle are still selling to strong rates. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ MEDIUM COWS Brahman L.M Fisher 274.2
DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ MEDIUM COWS Charbray Normanby P/C 280.2 $1445 PEN OF COWS Limousin Coopers Rd Property 283.2 $1728 STORE COWS Droughtmaster Woodvale Rural 223.2 $920 BULLS Droughtmaster
The export market remained fully firm this week. Light feeder steers were in strong demand today and sold to a dearer trend. Weaner steers and heifers remained similar to previous
The market remained fully firm for all descriptions today. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Santa WMR Callinan 281.2 $1948 PEN OF COWS Simmental R & V Laycock 278.2
Most descriptions sold to a firm market today. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ MEDIUM COWS Limo x D & B Freeman 283.2 $1515 HEAVY COWS Brahman J. Whyatt 280.2
After recent rain the market was slightly stronger for all descriptions. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Santa T. Bischoff 278.2 $1502 PEN OF COWS Brangus Kay Family 268.2
Today’s yarding was reduced due to the rain, which saw most descriptions sell to a slightly dearer market. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Droughtmaster C.I Harsant 270.2 $1622
The market was slightly easier across the yarding today for most descriptions. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Charbray The Hollow Station 255.2 $1620 MEDIUM COWS Droughtmaster M.S
The export and slaughter market was slightly easier this week. Heavy feeder steers and heifers remained firm on last week’s market. Weaners and restockers also saw little to no change.
Another week of improved export and slaughter prices! Cows saw an increase in price again today by 10 – 15c with most well finished cows selling from $2.65c/kg to $2.75c/kg,
The export and slaughter market continues to gain momentum with the prices 10-15c dearer again today compared to previous weeks. Heavy feeder steers saw a slight increase in price today
The export and slaughter market saw an increase in price today of 15-20c/kg. Light feeder steers and heifers also saw a rise in price in today. An exceptional run of
Rain affected the yarding today. The export and slaughter market showed strong signs of improvement. Light feeder steers met strong competition and sold to dearer rates. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg
This week’s sale saw a mixed yarding of cattle with a large number of store cattle on offer. The export and slaughter market was slightly cheaper again today by 5-10
The market for export cattle was easier with one major processor out of the market, due to a breakdown. All other classes sold to a firm market. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR
A smaller yarding came to hand this week which saw all categories slightly easier. All processes were in attendance but operating at reduced rates. A minimal yarding of feeder steers
DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ PEN OF COWS Santa O’Brien’s Transport 218.2 $1342 PEN OF COWS Braford J. Elliott 224.2 $1220 BULLS Charolais I & H Lake 238.2 $2120 FULL
The market was slightly easier today for most descriptions. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ PEN OF COWS Droughtmaster J. Parcell 225.2 $1420 PEN OF COWS Brahman L.M Fisher 228.2 $1170
The export and slaughter market was firm on the last few weeks with a couple of isolated lots selling to a dearer market. Heavy feeder steers and feeder heifers also
The export and slaughter market was firm to slightly dearer compared to last week. Heavy feeder steers also remained strong as did feeder heifers and light feeder steers. There were
Export and slaughter market was firmer today with solid competition from all buyers. Heavy feeder steers also saw a slight rise in price. Weaner steers and heifers sold to similar
A mixed quality yarding of cattle today with most export cattle selling to similar rates as last week. Heavy feeder steers saw little to no change this week, as did
A smaller market was seen today due to the rain around the local areas over the weekend and an easier trend to the market following last week. The market this
The export and slaughter market were noticeably cheaper this week by 20c to 30 cents. There were no heavy feeders to quote. Light feeder steers sold to a similar market
The export and slaughter market saw an increase in prices today across most descriptions. Heavy feeder steers also rose in price today as did the feeder heifers. Re-stocker steers also
The market saw slight improvements for most descriptions today due to some good widespread rainfall. The biggest rise was export cows with most good quality cows making $2.45 to $2.60/kg.
The export and slaughter market softened again this week as we lead up to Easter. Heavy feeder steers also saw a fall in price. Although one major feedlot remains out
The slaughter market and heavy feeder market eased today with a few shorter weeks coming up. A very impressive line of 180 light feeder steers came to hand today and
This week saw a larger yarding of cattle come to hand at Silverdale, with all types of cattle selling to a firm to slightly dearer market than last week. A
The market remained similar to previous weeks for export and slaughter cattle. Bullocks and heavy slaughter steers saw a slight ease in price as did heavy feeder steers and feeder
The market softened slightly today for export and slaughter cattle. Heavy feeder steers sold to similar rates as last week. Weaner steers and heifers continue to sell to a strong
This week’s market saw little to no change for both export and slaughter cattle. Competition seemed slightly easier from the buyer’s panel. A very good run of feeders came to
Today’s Silverdale Live Weight sale saw a big yarding of top quality local cattle with a notable run of exceptional cows. Prices remained similar to previous sales. Description Breed Vendor
A very good run of export and slaughter cattle came to hand today and sold to stronger competition with prices exceeding last week’s by 10-15 c/kg. Heavy feeder steers where
The export and slaughter market continued to rise today. Cows and bulls were met by a strong panel of buyers and sold to competitive rates. Heavy feeder steers and heifers
Hayes & Co yarded 163 head of cattle for their first sale of the year with a smaller yarding due to exceptional rainfall over the Christmas period and vendors waiting
Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Charolais x R. J Green 238.2 $1650 PEN OF COWS Droughtmaster Voss & O’Higgins 229.2 $1280 STORE COWS Droughtmaster Voss & O’Higgins 179.2
The market was significantly dearer today for most descriptions. The export market for cows and bulls remained similar to last week. A very good run of grain assist cattle came
After some long awaited wide spread falls the market saw some significant rises in price today across the board. Cows saw a rise of 30c/kg. Heavy feeder steers also saw
Smaller yarding here today. We saw more improvements in the market today. Export and slaughter cattle remained firm on last week. Heavy feeder steers and heifers saw a rise in
Export and slaughter market saw a significant increase in price, with all major operators in play. A Very good quality line of grain assist cattle came to hand today and
The market saw slight improvements across the board today. Cows saw a consistent rise of 10 to 15c for all descriptions. There were no bullocks to quote although there was
There was little to no improvement this week for export and slaughter cattle. Heavy feeders also remained the same, as did heifers. Some good quality Brahman and Brahman cross steers
The export and slaughter market remained similar to last week with all major processors in attendance. Feeder steers and heifers also sold to a similar trend. Weaners and re-stockers saw
The export and slaughter market remained similar to last week with all major operators in attendance. A very good run of heavy steers and full mouth bullocks came to hand
Prices were slightly easier this week due to the absence of some major processors and feedlots. Weaner steers and heifers remained similar to last week. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $
Export and slaughter market remains similar to last week with all major processors in attendance here today. Feeder steers and heifers continue to fall in price due to the current
Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Charolais TS Foote 197.2 $1178 PEN OF COWS Droughtmaster Hardale 206.2 $1093 DAIRY CULL COWS Friesian D & D Abraham 165.2 $983 BULLS
The market remained similar to last week seeing little to no change. Just a reminder that if you’re interested in selling, please get in touch with your preferred agent to
The market saw a large decline today as dry weather, abundance of cattle and high grain prices push the cattle market down. Cows, bulls and bullocks saw a drop of
Export and slaughter cattle saw a little to no change this week. We had a large number of store cows come to hand today which sold to a cheaper market.
The export and slaughter market remained similar to last week, whilst most other descriptions saw a decline in price due to the continuing dry period. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $
The market remained firm to slightly easier this week for most descriptions. Not a lot of heavy feeders to quote. Light feeders sold to similar rates as last week. Weaner
The market held firm today with strong competition for most descriptions. Export cattle saw a little change and continue to sell to strong rates. Heavy feeder steers and heifers also
The market today was noticeably dearer for most descriptions. Export and slaughter cattle saw a rise of 10-15 cents across the board. Not a lot of heavy feeders on offer
The market remained firm today on most descriptions. Some quality feeder steers came to hand and sold to a slightly improved market. Weaner steers and heifers remained much the same
The market remained similar to previous weeks for most descriptions. Weaners and re-stockers saw a slight ease in price. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Angus D Hertrick 213.2
The market remained similar to previous weeks. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ GRAIN ASSIST COWS Limousin cross T & K Falkenhagen 226.2 $1493 PEN OF COWS Santa D & G
A reduced yarding today due to the rain. The cattle on hand sold to strong rates. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Limo J. Gilchrist 233.2 $1819 PEN
The market remained similar to last week with little to no change for most descriptions. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Charolais cross L & D Hardgraves 217.2
The market remained similar to last week. A quality run of cows, bullocks and bulls came to hand today and sold to a strong panel of buyers. Heavy feeder steers
The market was firm on last week with most descriptions selling to similar rates. On a whole good quality cattle are selling to strong competition whilst lesser quality cattle are
The market was slightly stronger this week for most descriptions. A quality run of cows came to hand today with most good cows selling from $2/kg to $2.20/Kg. Store cows
The market for export was slightly dearer this week although not a large number of fats yarded. There were not a lot of feeder steers to quote on although the
Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Charolais N Brown 207.2 $1647 PEN OF COWS Brahman cross H Nadler 207.2 $1277 STORE COWS Charolais DW Jaenke 169.2 $766 BULLS Brahman
The market was slightly easier again this week. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Droughtmaster D.A Varcoe 228.2 $1500 PEN OF COWS Santa Montauban Pty Ltd 230.2 $1500 DAIRY
The market was noticeably cheaper across the yarding today. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Brangus TB & CA Bourke 223.2 $1607 MEDIUM COWS Simmental L Freeman 247.2 $1273
A slightly easier market again this week across the yarding. Cow and bullocks were back 5-10c on last week, although demand for bull meat saw bulls rise 5-10c. Heavy steers
The market for export and slaughter cattle remained similar to last week. A very good run of young Charolais cross store cows came to hand today and sold to very
The market today remained firm on last week’s prices for export and slaughter cattle. Heavy feeder steers also remained similar to last week, as did heifers and re-stocker steers. Weaner
The market remained firm again this week with prices continuing to hold. A good run of fat cows came to hand as well as store cows with re-stockers competing strongly
A small yarding today due to the short week. Export cattle held firm on last week’s prices even with one major buyer away. Heavy feeder steers also held firm and
The export and slaughter market saw a slight increase in price today of 5-10c/kg. A good run of heavy feeder steers came to hand with the better quality steers selling
The market was noticeably cheaper today for all descriptions. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Santa GD Stephan 260.2 $1808 PEN OF COWS Brangus JF & AC Bell 264.2
The market today was noticeably cheaper today with cows easing 10-15c/kg. Bulls and full mouth ox were also cheaper. Feeder heifers remained similar to last week. Light feeder steers also
Export cattle were slightly easier today with most descriptions easing 5c/kg. Feeder steers and heifers were noticeably cheaper with less buyers operating today. Light feeder steers and re-stockers saw similar
There was a full buying panel in attendance today although all were operating with reduced rates. Quality feeder and re-stocker cattle sold to current market rates. Lesser quality cattle struggled
The export market was slightly easier this week due to a reduced panel of buyers. Heavy feeder steers saw no change and sold to similar rates, as did light feeder
The export market was firmer on last week’s market. Feeder steers remained firm while feeder heifers were slightly cheaper this week. Weaner steers and heifers were also slightly cheaper. Description
The market remained firm today for export cattle with bulls selling to a slightly dearer market. Feeder cattle sold well and remained at similar prices to last week. Weaners and
The market today was slightly dearer again for most descriptions. A good run of cows came to hand and sold to stronger rates. Light feeder steers were also noticeably dearer
The market remained firm today on a whole. Export cattle were slightly cheaper due to a reduced buying panel. Heavy feeder steers saw a slight increase today, whilst feeder heifers
Export and slaughter cattle held firm and sold to a similar market this week with more buying competition from the major processors. Most steers saw little to no change from
The first sale back for 2023 saw export prices remain similar to the end of 2022. Heavy feeder steers sold to an easier market today as did heifers and light
The final Silverdale Live Weight Sale for 2022 saw a reduced yarding of 214 head of mainly younger cattle. Export cattle were in short supply but were firm on last
The export and slaughter market remained easier this week as we head into the Christmas break. Feeder steers and heifers also sold to similar rates as last week. Weaner steers
The export and slaughter markets continue to sell to easier rates this week. Heavy feeder steers also sold to a reduced market. Weaner steers and heifers also sold to a
The export and slaughter markets were noticeably cheaper today with cows and bulls selling to an easier trend. A very good run of full mouth bullocks came to hand and
The export and slaughter markets were slightly cheaper again this week. Heavy feeder steers also fell 10c on last week’s market. Light feeders and re-stockers continue to sell to a
The export and slaughter markets were slightly easier this week. Heavy feeder steers were 10c cheaper than previous weeks, while light feeders and re-stockers remain firm. Feeder heifers sold to
A smaller yarding again this week. The cattle on offer sold to firm rates, with export and slaughter cattle selling to similar prices as last week. A handful of 4-tooth
Description C/kg Vendor $ PEN OF COWS 368.2 The Hollow Station $1905 BULLS 352.2 Gabe Wood $2448 GRAIN ASSIST STEERS, 4-TOOTH 429.2 Colonial Grazing Co $1712 LIGHT FEEDER STEERS 583.2
The export and slaughter market exceeded expectations today with some great results across the board. Heavy feeder steers saw a rise in price today with a quality pen of Charolais
The export and slaughter market remained firm to slightly dearer this week for most descriptions. A very good run of heavy steers came to hand today and sold to competitive
Description C/kg Vendor $ HEAVY COWS 373.2 Windolf Farming $2519 PEN OF COWS 374.2 Alex Saez $2413 DAIRY CULL COWS 329.2 A & L Anstis $2419 BULLS 355.2 TD &
Description C/kg Vendor $ HEAVY COWS 376.2 D. Pocock $2465 PEN OF COWS 387.2 Chris Lund $2342 DAIRY CULL COWS 302.2 Kleinschmidt Farms $1616 BULLS 356.2 B.J Johnson $2350 HEAVY
Description C/kg Vendor $ HEAVY COWS 366.2 C.I Harsant $2252 PEN OF COWS 364.2 Woodside Cattle Co $2240 DAIRY CULL COWS 320.2 LP & DA Dunne $1969 BULLS 354.2 C.I
The market for export cattle remained firm this week. Good quality heavy feeder steers sold to competitive rates and were slightly dearer than last week. Feeder heifers also continue to
The export and slaughter market remained firm to slightly dearer today. Heavy feeder steers continue to sell to a steady market. Feeder heifers sold to stronger rates. Weaners also continue
The slaughter and export market remained very firm today with a great run of fat cows coming to hand. Heavy feeder steers continue to sell to a steady market. Feeder
The export and slaughter market saw a considerable rise in price. Heavy feeder steers still remain at similar price to last week. Light feeder steers and heifers also saw a
The export and slaughter markets were reasonably dearer today on all descriptions. Heavy feeder steers remained similar to last week. Weaner steers and heifers also rose in price today. DESCRIPTION
The export market saw a light rise in price today on most descriptions. Heavy feeder steers and heifers sold to a similar market as last week. Weaner and re-stocker steers
Export cattle sold to a slightly easier rate with most cattle selling around 10c/kg less than last week. A handful of heavy feeder steers were yarded and sold to current
The export and slaughter market saw a fall in prices again today, with most descriptions back 20c on last week’s market. There were no heavy feeder steers this week to
The export and slaughter market was slightly easier again today with most descriptions dropping another 10c. Heavy feeder steers saw better prices today, as did light feeder steers with the
The market remained slightly easier for most descriptions today. Cows sold to slightly cheaper rates, whilst Ox and bulls fell 50c. Heavy feeders also saw cheaper rates to last week.
DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR $ PEN OF COWS 328.2 J.Eaton $2002 HEAVY HEIFER 379.2 Rugby Farms $1858 HEAVY FEEDER STEERS 491.2 D & D Hood $2007 LIGHT FEEDER STEERS 489.2 S
The market eased slightly again this week for most descriptions. Export cattle saw easier prices of 20c/kg less this week. Heavy feeder steers were also cheaper with most steers making
DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR $ HEAVY COWS 349.2 Look Enterprises $2470 PEN OF COWS 370.2 EJ & EE Windley $2375 BULLS 338.2 J.E Faulkner $2993 OX 425.2 D & R Hohenhaus
A solid yarding today with a large number of most descriptions coming to hand. Export cows and bulls remained firm on last week’s market as did ox and heavy steers.
A good quality yarding of 516 head, highlighted by a quality line of 115 bullocks a/c Ferling Pastoral Company. Export cattle were fully firm and in places were slightly dearer.
Export and slaughter markets were slightly easier this week compared to last week’s prices, although still firm on the current market. Heavy feeder steers saw a slight rise in price
A reduced yarding of cattle here today at Silverdale due to the large amount of rainfall in our area and across South East QLD. Export cattle sold to a dear
A reduced yarding today due to wet weather. Export and slaughter cattle that came to hand sold to solid rates. Heavy feeder steers also remained firm. Not a lot of
The export and slaughter market held firm this week and sold to a similar market as last week. Heavy feeder steers were also firm on last week. Feeder heifers saw
Export and slaughter markets saw a rise in prices today on previous weeks’ markets. Heavy feeder steers also rose in price and sold to a firm market. Vealers and re-stockers
A quality line of local cattle came to hand today with export and slaughter cattle seeing a slight increase in price. Heavy feeder steers also saw a rise in price
A quality yarding of cattle today with cattle selling to a similar market as last week. Cull cattle remained firm and in high demand. Light feeders and restockers sold again
Reduced yarding today due to the Australia Day public holiday. Export cows sold to similar rates as last week, along with bulls and heavy bullocks. Heavy feeder steers sold to
Export cattle remained at similar prices to last week. Heavy feeders were down in price this week. However, previous records were smashed for light feeder steers (300-350kg) with a pen
A strong market today for all descriptions. Export cattle were slightly easier today due to the current Covid-19 situation. Heavy feeders sold to strong rates. Light feeders and restockers rose
A smaller yarding today for our last prime sale of 2021. Not a lot of export cattle came to hand today, although the cattle yarded sold to competitive rates. A
A strong market today for all descriptions. Export and slaughter cattle continue to sell to strong rates. Heavy feeders rose again in price today. Light feeders and restocker continue to
Small yarding this week due to very heavy falls in the area. Export cattle that came to hand still sold to a very strong market. Heavy feeder steers remained in
There was reduced yarding again this week due to continuous heavy rain. Cattle that were on offer sold for very competitive rates. Export cattle sold for strong rates and remained
The market remained firm across the board. 31 cows averaged 354c. Bulls also remained firm with 8 heavy slaughter bulls averaging 361c. There was a quality run of 4 and
Export and slaughter cattle continue to smash previous records today,y with cows topping at 409c, with 47 cows averaging 371c. Bulls remained firm on last weeks rates. 4 tooth heavy
Very impressive prices today for all descriptions. Export cows exceeded expectations reaching a new record price topping at 403c/kg. Bulls also continued to sell to a very strong market. Feeder
A smaller yarding again this week due to the recent rain. All description remained fully firm to slightly dearer for export, feed on and vealer cattle. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR $
A reduced yarding this week due to some good rainfall in the area. Export and slaughter cattle saw a rise in price. Heavy feeders were also in high demand, with
The market today was slightly dearer on last week, with cows reaching 378c/kg. All other markets also remaining firm with all cattle in high demand. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR $ HEAVY
DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR $ Heavy Cows 354.2 Kayla Harvey $2550 Pen of Cows 363.2 Colin Hockley $2409 Heavy Heifers 379.2 D & R Hohenhaus $2066 Bulls 359.2 Emprja P/L $3196
Good heavy cows were slightly dearer today, with medium range feed on cattle selling slightly dearer. Feeders were in short supply today but still managed a strong market, topping at
Another quality yarding of local cattle came to hand today, with prices remaining firm across the board. Export and slaughter cattle sold to a similar market as last week. Heavy
The export and slaughter cattle continue to sell to a strong market, with cows up 25c on average and bulls up 15c on last week. Heavy feeders sold to a
The export and slaughter cattle sold to a strong market today, with cows averaging 301.2c/kg, bulls averaging 319.2c/kg and ox averaging 381.2c/kg. Not a lot of heavy feeders to quote
A quality yarding of local cattle on offer today. The export and slaughter markets rose in price, with cows averaging 322c/kg, bulls averaging 331c/kg and ox averaging 393c/kg. Heavy feeder
Very good yarding of cattle came to hand today.Heavy feeder steers and heifers continue to sell to a strong market as well as trade weight feeders. Vealers and restockers, continue
Very good yarding of cattle came to hand today. Export and slaughter cattle sold to competitive rates. Heavy feeder steers and heifers continue to sell to a strong market as
Very good yarding of cattle came to hand today. Export and slaughter cattle sold to competitive rates. Heavy feeder steers and heifers continue to sell to a strong market as
A smaller yarding of cattle today, with prices still remaining firm. Meat works cattle sold to a very strong market. Vealer and feeders staying consistent with the market. A quick
Prices continue to rise this week with most descriptions up by 10 to 20c a kg. Slaughter and export cattle sold to impressive rates with some great line of cows
Very good yarding of cattle came to hand today. Export and slaughter cattle sold to competitive rates, with very good results for a quality pen of 4 tooth pasture steers
Another quality yarding of cattle on offer today with prices remaining very high across the board. Cows topped at 324c and averaged 301c. A very impressive run of 6 tooth
Another strong sale this week, with export cows selling to competitive rates. Heavy feeder steers and heifers continue to rise in price as well as light feeders and restockers. Vealer
Cattle in high demand today with prices rising across the board. Cows saw a boost in price today by 10 cents plus. Heavy and light feeder steers rose in price
Firm market for export and slaughter cattle continue. Heavy feeders remain strong in price. Vealers and restockers also remaining strong. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR $ HEAVY COWS 307.2 MJ O’DWYER 2457
Smaller yarding this week due to some welcomed local rain yesterday. Export and slaughter cattle remained firm on last week’s market. Heavy feeder steers also sold to a strong market,
Export cows and bulls remained firm this week and sold to a similar, strong market as last week’s. A very good quality run of four and six-tooth heavy steers came
Export market remained firm today without a full panel of buyers. Not many heavy feeders to report on but the cattle on hand sold to a dearer rate. Feeder bulls
A quality yarding of backgrounder steers were sought after strongly, with buyers from the south competing with locals. Feeders were dearer with increased rates. Vealers were stronger with more competition
A smaller yarding again this week saw prices across the board, rise. Export and slaughter cattle rose slightly in price this week as a full panel of buyers fought for
Reduced yarding today due to some recent heavy falls in the area. Export cattle were slightly dearer today. Heavy feeders also sold well and remained similar to last week. Vealer
Smaller yarding today due to the wet weather. Export and slaughter market remained similar to last week. Heavy feeder steers remained firm on last weeks market. Vealer steers and heifers
Another quality yarding of cattle this week. Export and slaughter cattle were slightly easier this week. Heavy feeder cattle sold to a firm market with heifers selling slightly dearer. Restockers
Market remained firm again this week on export and slaughter cattle. Heavy feeder steers and heifers were slightly dearer today. Restockers and light feeders also sold to a strong market
A very Strong market today with export and slaughter cattle selling to a firm market. Heavy feeders also sold to a similar market as last week. Trade type feeders and
Reduced yarding today due to some recent hevay rainfall. Market remained string with export cattle increasing in price this week. Not alot of feeder cattle to report, although the cattle
A quality yarding of cattle today after a week off due to last weeks wet weather event. The export market remained similar to the last sale, whilst heavy and light
Smaller yarding today due to some decent rain falls in the area. The market remained similar to last week for all descriptions, with export and slaughter cattle selling to firm
Market remained firm on export and slaughter cattle this week with all types selling to competitive rates. Heavy feeders slightly cheaper again this week due to a lack in demands.
Market saw a slight ease in prices across the board today. Export and slaughter prices were back 10c on last weeks market. Heavy feeders were also slightly easier today on
Another good quality yarding here today with export and slaughter remaining firm and selling to a similar market as last week. Heavy feeder steers where slightly cheaper today as rates
Export and slaughter market remained firm on last week. This week saw a very impressive line up of over 130 heavy feeder steers that sold to very competitive rates. We
Today saw a slight ease in the export and slaughter market. Heavy feeder steers and heifers remained firm to slightly dearer on last week. Light feeder steers and heifers also
Market today for export cattle remained firm and sold to similar market as last week. Feeder steers and heifers also sold to a firm market. Vealer steers and heifers sold
Very strong market today as prices remain at unseen highs and continue to climb. Export and slaughter prices remain firm to slightly dearer. Feeder steers and heifers remain strong as
Excellent quality yarding of cattle today as prices reach a new level higher. Export cattle sold to a strong market. Heavy and light feeders steers and heifers also sold to
Smaller yarding today for out first sale of 2021 due to some good recent falls in the area. Export cattle sold to a strong market today, with major processors in
Small yarding here today for the last live weight sale of the year. Restockers and store cattle sold to a firm market due to some recent rain fall. DESCRIPTION C/KG
Market today was firm for export cattle with heavy feeders selling to a cheaper market and young cattle selling to a dearer market than last week’s sale. The last sale
Export market was slightly easier this week as we head towards the Christmas break. Heavy feeders also to an easier marker this week due to demand. Stores and restockers also
Prices on export cattle slightly cheaper this week due to major processors closing down over Christmas. Heavy feeder steers and heifers remain expensive and sell to a similar market to
Market remained strong today with cattle selling to a similar price to last week. We saw a light rise in heavy feeders steers today. Vealers and restockers also sold to
More records smashed today as a great yarding of cattle came to hand. Export and slaughter cattle were dearer again today. Heavy feeders also remained dear. Restockers continue to rise
Market for export cattle remained firm on last week’s market. Heavy feeders steers and heifers also sold to a similar firm market. Very good quality run of light feeder steers
Market remained strong on export and slaughter cattle this week. Heavy feeder steers and heifers also sold to a similar strong market to last week. Light feeders saw a rise
Export prices sky rocketed today with previous sale yard records smashed for fat cows. Bulls and heavy pasture steers also sold to a dearer market. Heavy feeder steers and heifers
Export market continues to climb with export cattle selling to a very strong market today. Heavy feeders remain firm and sold to a similar market to last week. We saw
Market remained firm to slightly dearer for export cattle today. Heavy and light feeder steers and heifers also sold to similar market to last week. Vealer steers and heifers also
Another rise in the market today as export cows make over 300c. Feeder steers and heifers also sold to a dearer market with both heavy and light feeders in high
Export cattle were dearer again today with all major processors competing to secure numbers. Feeder steers and heifers were also dearer this week. Vealer steers and heifers were in high
Market remained firm again this week with another good quality yarding of local cattle. We saw another price rise on restockers this week with all local & travelled buyers in
A smaller yarding again today saw prices remain firm across the board. A quick reminder that we have out store sale coming up this Saturday the 12th September 2020. DESCRIPTION
Slightly smaller yarding today for the first sale of spring. Cows remained firm and sold to a similar market to last week. Very good quality grain fed were yarded this
Once again this week, export cattle remained firm. Heavy feeder steers remain firm and we saw a slight rise in heavy feeder heifers as buyers return them to the paddock
A smaller yarding of cattle this week saw prices fully firm for all descriptions, selling to a large volume of buyers. DESCRIPTIONS C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 276.2 FJ
Market was very strong today and was up by a minimum 10 cents across the board. Restockers sold to a strong market that was up by 30 Cents on last
Smaller yarding this week due to the Ekka sale this Thursday. Market remained firm throughout the sale today. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 268.2 EDWARD SWIFT 660 1770
A smaller yarding due to recent rainfall saw the market slightly easier for all types. All buyers were in attendance. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 286.2 BJ JOHNSON
Export cattle sold to a similar market as last week. Feeder steers were in short supply but still sold to a strong market. Vealer steers and heifers were dearer again
Smaller yarding today, although prices remained firm across the board on last week’s market. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 299.2 FERNBANK PAST CO 540 1615 PEN OF COWS
Export cattle remained firm on a simliar market as last week. Heavy feeder steers and heifers also sold to a similar market to last week. Restocker’s were slighly dearer this
A similar size yarding to last week saw prices remain firm. With a very good draft of bullocks drawing strong competition and some southern orders also competing strongly on weaners.
Market was a little easier for export/slaughter cattle today. Feeder steers and heifers where also slightly cheaper. Vealer steers and heifers remain firm. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS
Market Firm to dearer for export cattle with feeders firm on last weeks rate. Young cattle slightly dearer. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 304.2 KEANBAH P/L 595 1810
Export remained firm again today with similar prices to last week. Heavy feeders saw another rise in price this week due to demand. Light re-stockers remained strong again this week.
Market was very strong again today, especially for export cattle as well as feeders. Restocker and veal market also remained strong as buyers fight to fill paddocks. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR
The market for export cattle held firm to slightly dearer with feeder and young cattle selling to a dearer market. Description c/kg Vendor kg $ HEAVY COWS 293.2 LANCE BISCHOFF
Big Jump in price today on last week’s market for export and slaughter cattle. Price also increased for feeders. Market for vealers and restocker also remained strong. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR
Prices this week were up across the board due to some light easing of Covid-19 restrictions. DESCRIPTIONS C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 270 SCHULZ MOUNTAIN ASSEST 725 1957 PEN
Export and slaughter market saw a rise in price today. Feeder market remained the same. Vealer and restocker market also remains strong. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ PEN OF COWS
Market was slightly easier today in the export and slaughter areas, although we did see an increase in price in the feeder market. As the light restocker market remains strong
The market was easier across most categories. Local restocker cattle were strong with steers and heifers to go back to the paddock firm. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS
Export cattle ranging from firm to slightly dearer with feeder steers and heifers selling to a cheaper market. Veal trade remained firm. Description C/Kg Vendor KG $ HEAVY COWS 275.0
Market for export cattle, easier again on last week. Feeders also were easier. Trade cattle were firm to dearer and young cattle also remained firm. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $
Market for export cattle slightly easier, with young cattle and feeders selling to firm rates on the previous week. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 273.2 TIM COOPER 580
With a smaller yarding due to the wet conditions, the market for all descriptions sold to a dearer market. Young and store cattle sold to dearer rates. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR
Market for export cattle selling to firm rates on last week’s sale with feed on cattle and young cattle selling to dearer rates. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS
Market for export cattle firm on last weeks market, with feeder, feed on and younger cattle selling all to a dearer market. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 281.2
Market firm for export cattle and vealers, with feeder and feed on cattle selling to dearer rates. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 280.2 DEREK MAYS 580 1625 PEN
Today we saw a rise on last week in all descriptions due to good rain through most areas in Queensland and the general shortage of cattle. Description c/kg Vendor kg
The market for export cattle was slightly dearer with feeder and feed on cattle up to 40cents dearer with good restocker support. Description C/kg Vendor kg $ HEAVY COWS 277.2
Market for all descriptions sold to dearer rates than last week’s sale. Export and heavy feeder cattle selling to high rates. Description C/kg Vendor kg $ HEAVY COWS 277.2 I.D
With a very good yarding of grain assisted cattle, the market for all descriptions sold to a much dearer market with sharp rises in young cattle. Description C/kg Vendor kg
With a larger yarding of cattle saw some very good lines of grain assisted and trade cattle yarded. Market for all descriptions saw a sharp rise in prices. Description C/kg
First Sale for 2020 started on dearer market than the last sale of 2019 with all buyers in attendance. Description C/kg Vendor kg $ HEAVY COWS 239.2 P. MCGOWAN 630
Market for all descriptions sold to an easier market with one major beef exporter out of the market. With only two sales until the Christmas break and no rain, we
Market for export cattle selling slightly easier with young cattle and plainer types selling to a harder market due to severe drought. MARKET REPORT SILVERDALE LIVEWEIGHT CATTLE SALE WEDNESDAY 20th November
Market for export cattle held firm with plainer and younger cattle selling to an easier market due to the dry conditions. MARKET REPORT SILVERDALE LIVEWEIGHT CATTLE SALE WEDNESDAY 13TH November 2019
Market for all export cattle selling to a dearer market with feeders and young cattle also selling to dearer rates. With continuing dry weather, the cattle market is still rising
Market for all descriptions selling to a dearer market with medium to good cows selling to a very good market. MARKET REPORT SILVERDALE LIVEWEIGHT CATTLE SALE WEDNESDAY 30th October 2019 695
Market for export and heavier cattle sold to a dearer market. Young cattle and plainer types selling to a firm to dearer market due to smaller yarding of cattle through
The market for cows all selling to a dearer market with feeder cattle in short supply and young cattle selling to a firm to slightly dearer market. MARKET REPORT SILVERDALE LIVEWEIGHT
A smaller yarding of cattle this week saw all export cattle sell to competition stronger than last week. Good quality fat cattle sold well in all descriptions. Feeder steers sold
With a yarding of 686 head saw store cows sell much stronger than the week before with numerous feedlot buyers operating. Export cattle again strong selling similar to last week
This week saw 871 head yarded with all export cattle again very similar to last week for the quality yarded. Grain Assist trade cattle sold to strong competition topping at
The market for heavy cows and steers sold to a firm market with light and plainer types selling to a downward trend due to the drought conditions. MARKET REPORT – SILVERDALE
This week saw all export cattle again very strong with Ox to $3.11/kg. Prime pasture steers topped at $3.17/kg. Feeder steers remained at prices the same as last sale. Western
This week saw 758 head yarded with all export cattle again very strong with Bulls to $2.85/kg. Prime pasture steers topped at $3.15/kg. Western buyers were in full attendance pushing
This week saw 771 head yarded with all export cattle very strong in particular cows with fierce competition from all processors. Prime pasture steers were also sort after topping at
Cattle this week were drawn from all local areas. Numbers increased slightly with just over 800 head yarded. The cow market was much stronger this week with all types of
With cattle numbers easing from last week’s sale to 767 in total, saw most classes of cattle firm or dearer on last week given the quality on offer. Meatworks bulls
Another big yarding came to hand this week with 1148 head yarded. The cow market eased slightly this week with all other types firm on last week apart from bullock
Hayes & Co yarded 1406 head of cattle at Silverdale on 31/7/19. The market was extremely strong for all cows and ox with pens of bullocks making 315.2. Feeder cattle
The market remained fully firm for all types. With all western restockers in attendance. Cows and ox again sold well with very strong competition. MARKET REPORT SILVERDALE LIVEWEIGHT CATTLE SALE
A smaller yarding of cattle saw the market improve for all descriptions. Cows sold to a stronger market, while Ox were fully firm. The market for feeder steers and heifers
A smaller yarding of cattle saw the market continue to increase for all types. Cows and bullocks were both dearer with secondary cows being in particular dearer. Feeder & Pasture
A top-quality yarding comprising of a lovely life of Charbray weaners which created strong competition from all usual buyers as well as new buyers from Taroom, Wandoan and Winton. Export