Privacy Policy

Hayes & Co Harrisville Pty Ltd is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and their personal information and complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

Please read this carefully as it will have important consequences for you in relation to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information you provide to Hayes & Co.

You understand that:

1.            Hayes & Co is the party who is collecting your personal information and can be contacted at or alternatively you can write to us at PO Box 2, Harrisville QLD 4307.

2.            Hayes & Co will collect your personal information directly from you.  In certain circumstances, Hayes & Co may be required to collect personal information from third parties, including but not limited to:

(a)          if applicable, any guarantor or trade reference listed on any application for credit;

(b)          service providers (including IT service providers, contractors and sales consultants) who assist Hayes & Co in providing our products and services to you;

(c)          third parties connected with the sales and after sales process including, e-commerce services and financial institutions;

(d)          those instances where we may be required to collect information by law, without any requirement to notify you of the same; and

(e)          our contractors, agents, partners, suppliers or other companies who assist us in processing your application and providing our products and services to you.

3.            The purpose of Hayes & Co collecting your personal information is:

(a)          to facilitate the processing of your application for credit with Hayes & Co in relation to any products or services you have procured from Hayes & Co and the administration and management of the foregoing, which shall include but is not limited to providing any refunds of any products or services purchased;

(b)          to provide other customer service functions, including handling customer enquiries and complaints relating to any sales of products or services; and

(c)          to offer you updates, discounts, or other content or products and services that may be of interest to you and to provide you with direct marketing communications from us or our related entities and associates (using direct mail, telemarketing, email, SMS and MMS messages),

and you acknowledge and agree to your personal information being collected and used for, and in connection with, these purposes and any other purpose set out in our Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy.

4.            If we do not collect this personal information in connection with the purposes in paragraph 3, then:

(a)          Hayes & Co will be unable to facilitate the processing and administering of your application for credit; and

(b)          we will be unable to send you direct marketing communications (unless you have consented to such communications through your other dealings with Hayes & Co).

5.            You consent to your personal information being disclosed to the following classes of people and organisations in connection with the purposes in paragraph 3:

(a)          Hayes & Co, its personnel and related entities;

(b)          If applicable, any guarantors or referees listed in your application for credit;

(c)          third party service providers including without limitation IT service providers, contractors and sales consultants and other parties who assist us in providing our products and services to you;

(d)          third parties connected with the sales and after sales process including, e-commerce services and financial institutions;

(e)          our contractors and agents, including third party providers who undertake our bill and/or credit services;

(f)           third parties, such as the appropriate court (depending on the value of the debt) or other entities to which we are required by law to disclose personal information, should the delay in payment of a debt proceed to litigation; and

(g)          any other organisation as expressly covered in our Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy.

6.            It is possible that some of the information collected via this application for credit may be disclosed to Hayes & Co’s related body corporate or service providers outside of AustraliaYou consent to your information being disclosed to a destination outside Australia for this purpose and you understand and acknowledge that Australian Privacy Principle 8.1 will not apply to such disclosures of your personal information.

7.            Hayes & Co’s Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy sets out the process as to how you can access and correct any of your personal information collected under this form as well as to how you can make a complaint if Hayes & Co has breached the Privacy Act in the handling of your personal information.  Hayes & Co’s Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy is available at or can be otherwise provided by requesting a copy from Hayes & Co.

By continuing with your application for credit, you indicate that you have read this collection notification and acknowledge that your personal information will be collected, used and disclosed in accordance with this collection notice and as otherwise detailed in Hayes & Co’s Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy and, to the extent it is necessary, that you give your voluntary express consent to Hayes & Co collecting, using, storing, disclosing and disposing of your personal information in this manner.