The market saw slight improvements across the board today. Cows saw a consistent rise of 10 to 15c for all descriptions. There were no bullocks to quote although there was
The market saw slight improvements across the board today. Cows saw a consistent rise of 10 to 15c for all descriptions. There were no bullocks to quote although there was
There was little to no improvement this week for export and slaughter cattle. Heavy feeders also remained the same, as did heifers. Some good quality Brahman and Brahman cross steers
The export and slaughter market remained similar to last week with all major processors in attendance. Feeder steers and heifers also sold to a similar trend. Weaners and re-stockers saw
The export and slaughter market remained similar to last week with all major operators in attendance. A very good run of heavy steers and full mouth bullocks came to hand
Prices were slightly easier this week due to the absence of some major processors and feedlots. Weaner steers and heifers remained similar to last week. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $
Export and slaughter market remains similar to last week with all major processors in attendance here today. Feeder steers and heifers continue to fall in price due to the current
Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ HEAVY COWS Charolais TS Foote 197.2 $1178 PEN OF COWS Droughtmaster Hardale 206.2 $1093 DAIRY CULL COWS Friesian D & D Abraham 165.2 $983 BULLS
The market remained similar to last week seeing little to no change. Just a reminder that if you’re interested in selling, please get in touch with your preferred agent to
The market saw a large decline today as dry weather, abundance of cattle and high grain prices push the cattle market down. Cows, bulls and bullocks saw a drop of
Export and slaughter cattle saw a little to no change this week. We had a large number of store cows come to hand today which sold to a cheaper market.