Today’s Silverdale Live Weight Sale was firm on last week’s sale. There were no feeder steers or bullocks to quote on this week, however feeder heifers sold to a similar
Today’s Silverdale Live Weight Sale was firm on last week’s sale. There were no feeder steers or bullocks to quote on this week, however feeder heifers sold to a similar
The market was firm to slightly dearer today with all major processors in attendance. Backgrounder steers were slightly dearer as well as feeder heifers. Weaner steers and heifers also sold
The export and slaughter market was noticeably cheaper today with several major processors out of the job today. Heavy feeder steers also sold to a softer trend, as did feeder
The market was slightly easier this week due to the larger yarding. The export market was up to 20c easier in some places, as were heavy feeder steers. Weaners and
The market opened very strong for the first sale back for 2025. Export and slaughter cattle sold to very strong rates with all descriptions selling for 20-30c dearer than the
The rain reduced the yarding today, however export and slaughter cattle sold to similar rates as last week. Re-stocker steers and heifers sold to slightly stronger rates again this week.
The market was slightly firmer over all descriptions due to recent rainfall. Description Breed Vendor C/Kg $ MEDIUM COWS Droughtmaster AJ & S Dennehy 284.2 $1458 HEAVY COWS Santa Karreman
A larger numbers of export cattle were yarded today with all descriptions selling to a strong panel of buyers. The grain trade saw a slight softening in price this week
The market for export cattle saw no change this week with all descriptions selling to very strong rates. Re-stockers also continued to sell to very strong rates. Description Breed Vendor
The export and slaughter market was stronger this week with most descriptions improving by 10-12 c/kg. Light feeder steers and heifers were met with very strong competition today after some