The export and slaughter market saw an increase in price today of 15-20c/kg. Light feeder steers and heifers also saw a rise in price in today. An exceptional run of
The export and slaughter market saw an increase in price today of 15-20c/kg. Light feeder steers and heifers also saw a rise in price in today. An exceptional run of
Rain affected the yarding today. The export and slaughter market showed strong signs of improvement. Light feeder steers met strong competition and sold to dearer rates. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg
This week’s sale saw a mixed yarding of cattle with a large number of store cattle on offer. The export and slaughter market was slightly cheaper again today by 5-10
The market for export cattle was easier with one major processor out of the market, due to a breakdown. All other classes sold to a firm market. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR
A smaller yarding came to hand this week which saw all categories slightly easier. All processes were in attendance but operating at reduced rates. A minimal yarding of feeder steers
DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ PEN OF COWS Santa O’Brien’s Transport 218.2 $1342 PEN OF COWS Braford J. Elliott 224.2 $1220 BULLS Charolais I & H Lake 238.2 $2120 FULL
The market was slightly easier today for most descriptions. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ PEN OF COWS Droughtmaster J. Parcell 225.2 $1420 PEN OF COWS Brahman L.M Fisher 228.2 $1170
The export and slaughter market was firm on the last few weeks with a couple of isolated lots selling to a dearer market. Heavy feeder steers and feeder heifers also
The export and slaughter market was firm to slightly dearer compared to last week. Heavy feeder steers also remained strong as did feeder heifers and light feeder steers. There were
Export and slaughter market was firmer today with solid competition from all buyers. Heavy feeder steers also saw a slight rise in price. Weaner steers and heifers sold to similar