WEDNESDAY 13TH November 2019 – 1100 Head
Market for export cattle held firm with plainer and younger cattle selling to an easier market due to the dry conditions. MARKET REPORT SILVERDALE LIVEWEIGHT CATTLE SALE WEDNESDAY 13TH November 2019
Market for export cattle held firm with plainer and younger cattle selling to an easier market due to the dry conditions. MARKET REPORT SILVERDALE LIVEWEIGHT CATTLE SALE WEDNESDAY 13TH November 2019
Market for all export cattle selling to a dearer market with feeders and young cattle also selling to dearer rates. With continuing dry weather, the cattle market is still rising
Market for all descriptions selling to a dearer market with medium to good cows selling to a very good market. MARKET REPORT SILVERDALE LIVEWEIGHT CATTLE SALE WEDNESDAY 30th October 2019 695
Market for export and heavier cattle sold to a dearer market. Young cattle and plainer types selling to a firm to dearer market due to smaller yarding of cattle through
The market for cows all selling to a dearer market with feeder cattle in short supply and young cattle selling to a firm to slightly dearer market. MARKET REPORT SILVERDALE LIVEWEIGHT
A smaller yarding of cattle this week saw all export cattle sell to competition stronger than last week. Good quality fat cattle sold well in all descriptions. Feeder steers sold
With a yarding of 686 head saw store cows sell much stronger than the week before with numerous feedlot buyers operating. Export cattle again strong selling similar to last week
This week saw 871 head yarded with all export cattle again very similar to last week for the quality yarded. Grain Assist trade cattle sold to strong competition topping at
The market for heavy cows and steers sold to a firm market with light and plainer types selling to a downward trend due to the drought conditions. MARKET REPORT – SILVERDALE
This week saw all export cattle again very strong with Ox to $3.11/kg. Prime pasture steers topped at $3.17/kg. Feeder steers remained at prices the same as last sale. Western