Wednesday 26th February – 482 Head
Market for export cattle firm on last weeks market, with feeder, feed on and younger cattle selling all to a dearer market. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 281.2
Market for export cattle firm on last weeks market, with feeder, feed on and younger cattle selling all to a dearer market. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 281.2
Market firm for export cattle and vealers, with feeder and feed on cattle selling to dearer rates. DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR KG $ HEAVY COWS 280.2 DEREK MAYS 580 1625 PEN
Today we saw a rise on last week in all descriptions due to good rain through most areas in Queensland and the general shortage of cattle. Description c/kg Vendor kg
The market for export cattle was slightly dearer with feeder and feed on cattle up to 40cents dearer with good restocker support. Description C/kg Vendor kg $ HEAVY COWS 277.2
Market for all descriptions sold to dearer rates than last week’s sale. Export and heavy feeder cattle selling to high rates. Description C/kg Vendor kg $ HEAVY COWS 277.2 I.D
With a very good yarding of grain assisted cattle, the market for all descriptions sold to a much dearer market with sharp rises in young cattle. Description C/kg Vendor kg
With a larger yarding of cattle saw some very good lines of grain assisted and trade cattle yarded. Market for all descriptions saw a sharp rise in prices. Description C/kg
First Sale for 2020 started on dearer market than the last sale of 2019 with all buyers in attendance. Description C/kg Vendor kg $ HEAVY COWS 239.2 P. MCGOWAN 630
Market for all descriptions sold to an easier market with one major beef exporter out of the market. With only two sales until the Christmas break and no rain, we
Market for export cattle selling slightly easier with young cattle and plainer types selling to a harder market due to severe drought. MARKET REPORT SILVERDALE LIVEWEIGHT CATTLE SALE WEDNESDAY 20th November