A larger numbers of export cattle were yarded today with all descriptions selling to a strong panel of buyers. The grain trade saw a slight softening in price this week
A larger numbers of export cattle were yarded today with all descriptions selling to a strong panel of buyers. The grain trade saw a slight softening in price this week
The market for export cattle saw no change this week with all descriptions selling to very strong rates. Re-stockers also continued to sell to very strong rates. Description Breed Vendor
The export and slaughter market was stronger this week with most descriptions improving by 10-12 c/kg. Light feeder steers and heifers were met with very strong competition today after some
The market remained fully firm on last week’s strong rates. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ PEN OF COWS Brangus TB & CA Bourke 279.2 $1765 HEAVY COWS Santa TD &
Export cattle were dearer due to multiple processes competing. Feeders were in short supply but were firm. Re-stocker cattle were again dearer due to a new western buyer being present
The export and slaughter market remained firm on last week. There were similar trends in the re-stockers with quality cattle selling to strong rates. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ HEAVY
The export market remained similar to last week, with heavy feeder steers being slightly cheaper. Weaner steers and heifers saw improved prices this week due to an increase in quality.
The market was noticeably cheaper today for most descriptions, with export and slaughter cattle falling 10 – 15 c/kg. Feeder steers and heifers saw little to no change, while weaner
Today’s Silverdale weekly sale saw a similar size yarding to last week with prices remaining firm. Export cattle were fully firm with all buyers in attendance. Feeder steers were slightly
The market was slightly cheaper today for most descriptions. However quality cattle are still selling to strong rates. DESCRIPTION BREED VENDOR C/Kg $ MEDIUM COWS Brahman L.M Fisher 274.2