Wednesday 10th March 2021 -375 Head
Market remained firm on export and slaughter cattle this week with all types selling to competitive rates. Heavy feeders slightly cheaper again this week due to a lack in demands.
Market remained firm on export and slaughter cattle this week with all types selling to competitive rates. Heavy feeders slightly cheaper again this week due to a lack in demands.
Market saw a slight ease in prices across the board today. Export and slaughter prices were back 10c on last weeks market. Heavy feeders were also slightly easier today on
Another good quality yarding here today with export and slaughter remaining firm and selling to a similar market as last week. Heavy feeder steers where slightly cheaper today as rates
Export and slaughter market remained firm on last week. This week saw a very impressive line up of over 130 heavy feeder steers that sold to very competitive rates. We
Today saw a slight ease in the export and slaughter market. Heavy feeder steers and heifers remained firm to slightly dearer on last week. Light feeder steers and heifers also
Market today for export cattle remained firm and sold to similar market as last week. Feeder steers and heifers also sold to a firm market. Vealer steers and heifers sold
Very strong market today as prices remain at unseen highs and continue to climb. Export and slaughter prices remain firm to slightly dearer. Feeder steers and heifers remain strong as
Excellent quality yarding of cattle today as prices reach a new level higher. Export cattle sold to a strong market. Heavy and light feeders steers and heifers also sold to
Smaller yarding today for out first sale of 2021 due to some good recent falls in the area. Export cattle sold to a strong market today, with major processors in
Small yarding here today for the last live weight sale of the year. Restockers and store cattle sold to a firm market due to some recent rain fall. DESCRIPTION C/KG