The export and slaughter markets were reasonably dearer today on all descriptions. Heavy feeder steers remained similar to last week. Weaner steers and heifers also rose in price today. DESCRIPTION
The export and slaughter markets were reasonably dearer today on all descriptions. Heavy feeder steers remained similar to last week. Weaner steers and heifers also rose in price today. DESCRIPTION
The export market saw a light rise in price today on most descriptions. Heavy feeder steers and heifers sold to a similar market as last week. Weaner and re-stocker steers
Export cattle sold to a slightly easier rate with most cattle selling around 10c/kg less than last week. A handful of heavy feeder steers were yarded and sold to current
The export and slaughter market saw a fall in prices again today, with most descriptions back 20c on last week’s market. There were no heavy feeder steers this week to
The export and slaughter market was slightly easier again today with most descriptions dropping another 10c. Heavy feeder steers saw better prices today, as did light feeder steers with the
The market remained slightly easier for most descriptions today. Cows sold to slightly cheaper rates, whilst Ox and bulls fell 50c. Heavy feeders also saw cheaper rates to last week.
DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR $ PEN OF COWS 328.2 J.Eaton $2002 HEAVY HEIFER 379.2 Rugby Farms $1858 HEAVY FEEDER STEERS 491.2 D & D Hood $2007 LIGHT FEEDER STEERS 489.2 S
The market eased slightly again this week for most descriptions. Export cattle saw easier prices of 20c/kg less this week. Heavy feeder steers were also cheaper with most steers making
DESCRIPTION C/KG VENDOR $ HEAVY COWS 349.2 Look Enterprises $2470 PEN OF COWS 370.2 EJ & EE Windley $2375 BULLS 338.2 J.E Faulkner $2993 OX 425.2 D & R Hohenhaus
A solid yarding today with a large number of most descriptions coming to hand. Export cows and bulls remained firm on last week’s market as did ox and heavy steers.