The Combined Agents’ Sarina Prime & Store Sale on Friday 13th December yarded a total of 450 head consisting of 264 Steers, 139 Heifers, 26 Cows, 17×17 Cow & Calf
The Combined Agents’ Sarina Prime & Store Sale on Friday 13th December yarded a total of 450 head consisting of 264 Steers, 139 Heifers, 26 Cows, 17×17 Cow & Calf
The Sarina Combined Agent sale this week yarded 421 head consisting of 167 Steers, 213 Heifers, 32 Cows, 1 Bull, 4 Mickies & 2×2 Cows & Calves. Cattle mainly came
The Combined Agents Sarina Prime & Store Sale on Friday 8th November yarded a total of 402 head consisting of 166 Steers, 147 Heifers, 35 PTIC Cows, 21 Cows, 29
The Combined Agents Sarina Prime & Store Sale on Friday the 4th of October 2024 yarded a total of 467 head consisting of 161 Steers, 207 Heifers, 58 Cows, 3
Nebo combined agents yarded 572 head at the Nebo Prime & Store Sale on Friday 13th September 2024, comprising of 89 cows, 400 Steers, 81 Heifers and 2 Bulls. Meatwork
The Combined Agents’ Sarina Prime & Store Sale on Friday 6th September yarded a total of 390 head consisting of 174 Steers, 162 Heifers, 24 Cows, 1 Cow & Calf
The Sarina Combined Agents Sale yarded 551 head comprising of 290 Steers, 218 Heifers, 18 Cows, 3 x 3 cows & calves and 20 bulls & mickies. The market was
The Sarina Combined Agents Sale yarded 867 head comprising of 413 Steers, 308 Heifers, 91 Cows, 12 x 12 cows & calves and 43 Bulls & Mickies. The market was
The Sarina Combined Agents Sale yarded 612 Head comprising of 375 Steers, 210 Heifers, 17 Cows, 1 Bull and 8×8 Cows & Calves. A larger yarding of cattle saw buyers
The Nebo Combined Agents’ Special Female & Store Sale on Friday 21st June 2024 saw a total yarding of 1530 head comprising of 820 Steers, 635 Heifers, 71 Cows, and