With the excellent rainfalls in the past few weeks around the area, Nebo combined agents yarded 495 head for the first sale of 2025, consisting of 125 Steers, 193 Heifers,
With the excellent rainfalls in the past few weeks around the area, Nebo combined agents yarded 495 head for the first sale of 2025, consisting of 125 Steers, 193 Heifers,
The Combined Agents’ Sarina Prime & Store Sale on Friday 13th December yarded a total of 450 head consisting of 264 Steers, 139 Heifers, 26 Cows, 17×17 Cow & Calf
The Sarina Combined Agent sale this week yarded 421 head consisting of 167 Steers, 213 Heifers, 32 Cows, 1 Bull, 4 Mickies & 2×2 Cows & Calves. Cattle mainly came
The Combined Agents Sarina Prime & Store Sale on Friday 8th November yarded a total of 402 head consisting of 166 Steers, 147 Heifers, 35 PTIC Cows, 21 Cows, 29
The Combined Agents Sarina Prime & Store Sale on Friday the 4th of October 2024 yarded a total of 467 head consisting of 161 Steers, 207 Heifers, 58 Cows, 3
Nebo combined agents yarded 572 head at the Nebo Prime & Store Sale on Friday 13th September 2024, comprising of 89 cows, 400 Steers, 81 Heifers and 2 Bulls. Meatwork
The Combined Agents’ Sarina Prime & Store Sale on Friday 6th September yarded a total of 390 head consisting of 174 Steers, 162 Heifers, 24 Cows, 1 Cow & Calf
The Sarina Combined Agents Sale yarded 551 head comprising of 290 Steers, 218 Heifers, 18 Cows, 3 x 3 cows & calves and 20 bulls & mickies. The market was
The Sarina Combined Agents Sale yarded 867 head comprising of 413 Steers, 308 Heifers, 91 Cows, 12 x 12 cows & calves and 43 Bulls & Mickies. The market was
The Sarina Combined Agents Sale yarded 612 Head comprising of 375 Steers, 210 Heifers, 17 Cows, 1 Bull and 8×8 Cows & Calves. A larger yarding of cattle saw buyers