WEDNESDAY 20th JULY 2022 – 419 HEAD

The export and slaughter market was slightly easier again today with most descriptions dropping another 10c. Heavy feeder steers saw better prices today, as did light feeder steers with the better steers selling over for 500c/kg. Following the trend of the feeder market, vealers and re-stockers also saw a rise in price.

PEN OF COWS319.2Brisbane Valley Pastoral$1674
HEAVY HEIFER370.2GC Lester$2128
DAIRY CULL COWS258.2Norwell Mining$1564
BULLS285.2B & D Jackson$2067
4 TOOTH HEAVY STEERS398.2L & D Sawatski$2429
HEAVY FEEDER STEERS489.2Leighton Builders$2307
LIGHT FEEDER STEERS518.2Mutdapilly Traders$1748
FEEDER HEIFERS444.2Paul Dunn$1832
GRAIN ASSIST HEIFERS409.2Miami Creek Pastoral$1749
VEALER HEIFERS450.2JR & ME Benstead$1105
VEALER STEERS529.2IM & DE Kruger$1264
ANGUS VEALER STEERS541.2L. Rhoades$1177

Hayes & CO
Pty Ltd

Silverdale Saleyards

Peter Hayes

Manager / Auctioneer

Owner/Manager/Senior Auctioneer/Sales: Covers all sales in SEQ and North Qld

Landon Hayes

Livestock Sales / Auctioneer

Livestock Sales and Auctioneer, SEQ, Nebo & Sarina

Jacob Gaske

Livestock Sales / Auctioneer

Livestock Sales Agent and Auctioneer covering sales in SEQ.

Twisted X Mens 9 Tech X1 Boot

Hayes & CO
Pty Ltd

Silverdale Saleyards

Twisted X Mens 9 Tech X1 Boot

Peter Hayes

Manager / Auctioneer

Owner/Manager/Senior Auctioneer/Sales: Covers all sales in SEQ and North Qld

Twisted X Mens 9 Tech X1 Boot

Landon Hayes

Livestock Sales / Auctioneer

Livestock Sales and Auctioneer, SEQ, Nebo & Sarina

Twisted X Mens 9 Tech X1 Boot

Jacob Gaske

Livestock Sales / Auctioneer

Livestock Sales Agent and Auctioneer covering sales in SEQ