The export and slaughter market continued to rise today. Cows and bulls were met by a strong panel of buyers and sold to competitive rates. Heavy feeder steers and heifers also sold to a dearer market with demand continuing to grow. Weaners and re-stockers saw the biggest change today with good quality steers topping out at $4.10c/kg with the majority of steers making $3.60c/kg. Good quality re-stocker heifers also sold to a strong market.Â
Description | Breed | Vendor | C/Kg | $ |
HEAVY COWS | Droughtmaster | H Stevens | 250.2 | $1548 |
PEN OF COWS | Charbray | RD Gehrke | 250.2 | $1533 |
MEDIUM COWS | Greyman | A Stark | 249.2 | $1440 |
DAIRY CULL COWS | Friesian | A & L Anstis | 216.2 | $1345 |
BULLS | Droughtmaster | S & K Harper | 281.2 | $2377 |
HEAVY HEIFERS (6 TOOTH) | Charbray | AC & DJ Sawatzki | 270.2 | $1515 |
HEAVY FEEDER STEERS | Droughtmaster | H Stevens | 326.2 | $1485 |
LIGHT FEEDER STEERS | Brangus | A Stark | 359.2 | $1418 |
LIGHT FEEDER STEERS | Limo x | T & R Jackson | 333.2 | $1267 |
FEEDER HEIFERS | Santa | Hodgetrans | 289.2 | $1140 |
GRAIN ASSIST STEERS | Droughtmaster | S Whyte | 300.2 | $1420 |
GRAIN ASSIST HEFIERS | Charolais x | Rugby Farms | 303.2 | $1227 |
WEANER HEIFERS | Angus x | TWP Thomson | 291.2 | $670 |
WEANER STEERS | Charolais x | CW Brown | 409.2 | $1052 |
WEANER STEERS | Charolais x | W Callinan | 390.2 | $851 |
Upcoming Silverdale Sales:
- Silverdale Country Market- 11am, Monday 29th January 2024
- Silverdale Live Weight Sale- 8.30am, Wednesday 24th January 2024
- Silverdale Store Sale – 12pm, Saturday 20th January 2024