The Sarina Combined Agents Sale yarded 867 head comprising of 413 Steers, 308 Heifers, 91 Cows, 12 x 12 cows & calves and 43 Bulls & Mickies. The market was fully firm on our last Sarina Combined Agents Sale and in line with other local markets. Buyers attended the sale from the South East Qld, Nebo, Rockhampton and Moranbah with very strong buyer support also from our local graziers.
Light Weaner Steers          $400  – $660
Weaner Steers                    $ 420  – $910
Feeder Steers                     $ 900 -$1420
Light Weaner Heifers         $220  – $420
Weaner Heifer                    $440 – $730
No.3 Heifers                       $610 – $920
Meatwork Cows               $780  – $1370
Cows & Calves                    $600 – $1260
J Black & S Blackbourn, Sarina sold Brangus weaner steers to $910/hd
B & V Prins, Seaforth sold VGQ Droughtmaster heifers to $900/hd
S Strachan, Calen sold high quality Grey Brahman weaner heifers to $730/hd
MD & SL Hall, Gargett sold heavy steers to $1520/hd
Anthony Vella, Habana sold quality Brahman weaners to $860/hd
B & F Dobie, Koumala sold a pen of Brangus weaners steers to $800/hd
S Rolfe, Mt Ossa sold Droughtmaster steers to $1420/hd and Droughtmaster heifers to $900/hd
Alentor Pty Ltd, Habana sold Brangus weaner steers to $800/hd
Seaforth Pines, Seaforth sold Brangus cows to $1370/hd, with 24 month old Brangus heifers to $920/hd
Darren Armstrong, Crediton sold light Droughtmaster weaner steers to $760/hd
Nebo Prime & Store Sale, 9am Friday 16th August 2024.